Open Source CMS Solution

Web Designing India is one of the most trusted resources when it comes to any of your online E-Commerce needs. We offer basic programming to the most advanced level of programming with our expert team of highly experienced and skilled individuals. We offer Content Management System website development India and varied other Responsive web design services that are important.

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Benefits of Open Source CMS Solution:

Open Source Content Management System is a website content management system especially used for a public website. It is also capable of handling extranet and intranet with other hardware support. Open Source CMS is a cost effective method that could be deployed in smaller or bigger organizations. The Open Source is helpful to companies to create the content and publish it on the website in an intuitive way. It has optional quality assurance that passes through two phases before it goes online on the website.

Open Source CMS support is available online where the Active Open CMS development community offer consulting and other project services. There are supporting agreements and training available one can avail of. Open CMS is an independent platform; the Open CMS software can be installed on a web server. The content managers are able to access the system from any place with the help of their web browser. It provides greater security that makes use of strong encryption https protocols for programming of the login mechanism.

The Web Server software components of the Open Source CMS are based on JAVA technology. Using Open CMS helps to reduce the IT costs; it helps to reduce the licensing costs and total ownership costing. The main advantage of using Open Source CMS is that, it helps to have full access to the core source code that is easily extendable. The standard JAVA technology helps to support commercial and open source databases and other operating systems and helps to fit in existing IT environments.

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